Office Number: 609-404-2074
Instagram: @absegamiathletictraining
Google Classroom: fbbti6z
Rothman Orthopaedic Hotline Number: 1-800-321-9999
Athletic Training Room Hours
Monday-Friday: 12:30-7pm
Saturday: 8-12pm
Office Number: 609-404-2074
Instagram: @absegamiathletictraining
Google Classroom: fbbti6z
Rothman Orthopaedic Hotline Number: 1-800-321-9999
Athletic Training Room Hours
Monday-Friday: 12:30-7pm
Saturday: 8-12pm
Head Athletic Trainer: Matt Ardente
School Orthopaedic Physician: Dr. Brad Tucker, MD
School Orthopaedic Physician’s Assistant: Thomas Geary, PA
Athletic training coverage is provided for all in-season practices, strength and conditioning sessions, and all home athletic contests.
Absegami Athletic Training Services is dedicated to providing quality medical care to the student-athletes of Absegami High School. Certified Athletic Trainers work under the direction of a physician to provide prevention, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.
If you are a student-athlete or a parent of a student-athlete that has sustained an injury and needs to get in contact with athletic training services please feel free to reach out.
Please fill out this Athlete Injury Evaluation Appointment Request form to schedule an appointment with the Athletic Trainer.